ELC Computer & Internet Use

Computer & Internet Use Policy

ELC Computer And Internet Use Policy

Digital-Citizenship-and-Safety-Presentation-for-GAFE-and-Learn60 A required presentation for student use of Learn60.ca accounts in School District 60.  **ELC students must have a signed permission form from your parents/guardians for you to use a Learn60.ca Google Apps for Education account.**


Students are responsible for appropriate behavior on the school’s computer network. The use of computers and the network are a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked at the discretion of the school.

General Computer and Network Use

Students wishing to use ELC computers must sign an Acceptable Use Agreement form available by going to the “acceptable use agreement” at the bottom of the school’s home page.

1. No food or drink may be consumed near computers.

2. Be respectful of all computers and other students’ work. Report any damages immediately to the supervisor.

3. Do not tamper with computer settings, network security, or other’s accounts. Computers are the property of the school and used by all students. Your user account is your own. Do not share it with others!

4. Sound files and CD’s may only be played with the use of headphones or at an acceptable volume with teacher permission and the agreement of the entire class.

5. No gaming! At no time are students permitted to play networked, locally installed games, or Internet games.

6. Printing: Students are urged not to be wasteful in their printing practices. Printing to different rooms than you are working in will cost 25 cents per page.

7. No Chat or Messaging.

8. Email is not permitted unless it is for schoolwork purposes. Please ask your teacher first.

9. Disk space is limited; please practice good file management and delete files not needed. Your folder will be deleted at the end of the year.

Internet Use

  1. The Internet will not be used for viewing or downloading pornography, information regarding illegal substances, hate literature, or any material deemed to be unacceptable or inappropriate by the staff or administration.
  2. Students will only be allowed to use the Internet if it is required for a course assignment. Students may be asked to produce the assignment in writing for verification.
  3. Files are not to be downloaded except for explicit school use (i.e. .exe, .zip, .bat files etc.).

The Network belongs to ELC and School District 60. Network administrators and teachers review files to ensure that students are using the system responsibly without notification or permission.

By using ELC computers you are accepting the rules and regulations set forth above. Failure to comply with any of the above regulations may result in the loss of all computer privileges at ELC. Criminal charges may also be laid if student(s) are found tampering with the school computer network.