Welcome to the first edition of our weekly ELC blog!
So it begins……
Considering we are in the Pomeroy Sports Centre, but not in our ‘school space’, we had a lot of hurdles to overcome for this first week of school. Hurdles such as…no classroom space, no desks, no phone, no fax, no photocopier, no chalkboards or whiteboards, no lockers, and no PA system. However, through great team work we had a curriculum with a purpose and a passion to deliver it! The ELC team met this challenge head on and created a learning environment that our 160 students accepted with open arms and positive energy!
We would like to share with you a few of our student’s comments about the first week at the ELC:
“I hope we have an activity like this next week”, “I like it here because the teachers actually seem to care about us”, “I really love that we have a choice of PE activity”, “I really like that it is a smaller group of people”
We started this school year with a fear of the unknown because of the “new” ways of learning. We also had to deal with the “bad teenager syndrome” (myth that all teenagers are bad). We ended this week with responsible, positive students, that all the staff of the Pomeroy Sports Centre really complimented and appreciated.
Lesson learned this week ~ no matter where we are teaching, or what we are teaching, the most important aspect is delivering the passion we have for what we do.
Thank you ELC team, thank you ELC students and a special thank you to the Pomeroy Sports Centre staff
Until next week…
Sheldon Steele, VP ELC