Our students have been working hard on their Mythbusters project gathering data and busting or proving myths! They will be presenting what they have discovered on December 9th to parents or guardians. Please see the attached letter for more information.
Category: Uncategorized
Picture Retakes
Missed picture day or forgot to smile? Retakes are Friday, November 6th.
Start dates for September 2015
The ELC will be open for new registrations Tuesday, September 1st to Friday, September 4th from 8 am – 4 pm. We look forward to meeting our new students on our first school day, September 8th from 8:40 am –
Our Make it Work Day!
We shared the day with Grade 6 students from Bert Ambrose for a busy, fun filled informative day with loads of learning and technology. The students enjoyed digital photography, built catapults, did some physical testing and calculated the results,
Report Cards March 17, 2015
Report cards will be going home March 17th, 2015.
Are you interested in hosting an international student?
Please see the poster below for further information about becoming a host family
hostfamily poster – FebChristmas Hamper update!
The 8 Community groups at the ELC sponsored 4 single parent families this Christmas through the Women’s Resource Center. Hampers usually include a Christmas dinner, clothes for the children, winter coats, shoes, other gifts based on the children’s interests,Parent DPA/Christmas hamper
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the ELC!
It has become an annual tradition for us at the ELC to sponsor single parent families in need at Christmas time. We are pleased to announce that we are sponsoring 4 families this year!December PAC meeting
Please join us for our next PAC Meeting to be held on Tuesday, December 2nd at the ELC at 7 pm
Beautiful Northern BC