• Parent Portal Workshop

    Parent Portal Workshop will be held on Tuesday February 28th@ 7:00 in the NPSS library…find out how to use all the features of the parent portal and be able to know how your child is doing in school whenever you want the information!

  • February PAC Meeting

    Don’t forget about the PAC meeting! It is next Tuesday, February 7th at 7pm in the NPSS library!

  • PAC Meeting

    The next  PAC meeting is Tuesday, January 10th at 7:00pm in the North Peace Library

  • Trip to China

    Thirteen Grade 10 student ambassadors representing North Peace Secondary School, the Energetic Learning Campus, Hudson Hope Secondary, and Prespatou Secondary School returned from a 10 day, International Youth Exchange in Jiangsu Province, China. During the trip students had an opportunity to visit the cities of Shanghai,

  • PAC Meeting September 2016

    It’s that time of year!  The first PAC meeting will be held Tuesday, Sept 13th at 7:00 pm in the North Peace library.   Come support your PAC and students !


    The first day of school will be September 6th starting at 8:40am and ending at 11:00pm.  Students need not worry about bringing any supplies for the first day of school, or the first week.
    Packages will go home with students with forms and further information regarding fees etc,

  • PAC Meeting June 7th

    The NPSS/ELC Annual General PAC Meeting will be Tuesday, June 7th at 7:00 in the NPSS library. Please come and check it out and learn what is happening in the school.